Monday, June 9, 2008

Start of a new blog

I have decided to start a blog again after much pondering and thinking... To say the truth, i am really lazy when it comes to maintaining a blog because i felt that it is really a waste of time if i go about describing what i did today blah blah blah.... However, after talking to wei en, I have decided to start a blog... He feel that I should share what i have learned from my Quiet Time so that I can share it with my brother and sister-in-Christ and also help encourage them. Well, I thought of other reasons why I should start a blog. One good reason is that people will get to understand me better when they read my blog. I can express myself much better through writing. Another good reason is to account for all my actions or what I plan to do. Well, it means that I am putting myself on the shooting range and prepare to get shot. Sounds dumb and crazy to some.... hahaha.... I guess it is one of the best way for people to remind me, help me evaluate, break me down and encourage me so that I can become more like Christ.... It also means that I will get hurt sometimes.... But I guess this kind of hurt is better than to pretend that nothing is happening at all and continue to do things which may not be biblical and things which may hurt other people, be it consciously or unwittingly... I really hope that through all the interaction, scolding, reminders etc, i will be more Christ-like.... haha, Christian life is really difficult.... But, when in the bible did God ever say that being a Christian will be easy? It will never be easy, but if we depend on God, we will have the strength to overcome every possible obstacle.... He will give us the endurance to run the race.... A race that is longer than any marathon imaginable.....
To God be The Glory

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