Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are we grabbing to the world like how Lot grab Sodom?

Today's QT has another big impact on me. It was talking about the angels warning Lot to leave Sodom before its destruction and the incident where the people of Sodom wanted to rape the angels when they were in the city of Sodom.

Lot is a representation of the many Christians that we see today. Yes, no doubt they believe in the Lord (both Lord and the people who is living like Lot). They yearn to follow the Lord, but will not leave the world, or are still embracing the world. They are half-hearted and slothful in their Christian life. Worst still, they may be sliding backwards towards more the more worldly lifestyle than when they first embrace Christianity. Lot did not have direct revelation from God. He probably heard God's promise to Abraham through Abraham himself. He probably was drawn by the grandeur of the promise. While following Abraham, he probably grew materialistically ( the number of flocks that he and Abraham had is so large that the shepherds from the two family started quarrelling over watering holes) and spiritually. How far he has grown spiritually we do not know. However, in the New Testament, Peter said that Lot was righteous and was grieved by the sin of Sodom. This is probably true because at first he was living near Sodom and not Sodom itself. However, he slowly backslided to living in Sodom and even became part of its council. It is directly against Psalms 1. We can see how much he backslided when he willingly gave up his daughters to be raped to protect the guests. Thank God for His mercy that his daughters were not raped.

Lot wished to follow the Lord. He made some effort. However, when given the opportunity, he chose the world instead of continuing his walk with God. Sure, some people might say that he didn't really have the choice right? He had to separate from Abraham. If he choose another land, the godly Abraham has to choose the area around Sodom. However, I think he didn't even bother to think and set his principles before he go and live near Sodom. He just choose it because the land was good. I believe that Lot know that the land of Sodom was wicked. That was why he didn't live in the city in the first place. He probably must have thought to himself that the city is wicked, so he just have to live near it to get the convenience of supplies and things but not be influenced by it. How foolish he is. He was obviously influenced by it. Just see how much he backslided. He even called the Sodomites as his friends. I guess Lot build his wealth, reputation, and everything during his stay in Sodom. We can infer that he is rather successful (worldly) to the point that although he is not a citizen of Sodom, he is one of their leaders. However, all these things come to naught. Everything was destroyed. Nothing of Lots possessions was left. Not his wealth, nor his sons-in-law, nor his wife, nor is reputation. NOTHING AT ALL. He was like somebody who knows to keep treasures in Heaven but failed to do so and instead build treasures on earth. In the end, he is like those who are just going to barely escape the fires of hell. Nothing that he build will stand. Only himself.

I am thinking, are we like him? Do we hold on to the treasures of earth when God promise more? Are we just building treasures on earth and not store treasures in Heaven? When the fire of judgement comes, will our works be like gold or silver? Or will it burn to bits? God have mercy on us, on this generation and on the generations to come. We are usually too engrossed with the things around us. Too caught up with the world. Having all the wrong kind of fun. Partying away (for some). Wasting our time away.

This world has become more and more like Sodom. People are trying to justify that gayism is created by God and should be celebrated. People tries to justify gayism and even encourage it. One day, the general population will accept it. Lying, Slandering, getting rich at the expense of the poor and neglecting of the poor, adultery etc will happen more and more. There will probably still have faithful ones who still be the light and salt of the world, but they will be ridiculed. And God will still show mercy to the world because of the faithful ones before the day of judgement. But God's wrath is burning. It is getting hotter. Therefore, anyone who reads this blog and who is not a Christian, please repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your saviour. For the Christians, we have much to do. Sure, salvation is by faith and not through works. However, one way to know whether we are really Christians is whether our lives have changed, whether we are doing good. The day will come where we will not have the chance to do good anymore. So grab the opportunity while we still can. Or we can always be like Lot and be saved but then we will barely make it.

Does this mean that Christians cannot go into Sodom? No, they can. However, when they go in, they go in as missionaries. Their job is to witness to the people and not getting influenced by them and end up embracing their wickedness. If we want to witness to the gamblers, we can live with them and talk with them, but not gamble with them. If we are tempted to sin with them, then it is better for the person to run away and not even try to stay with them. Somebody else more suitable should take the job. And there will be people suitable. It is better to run away from temptations than to sin with the sinners, if not your testimony is ruined. May God help us in our weakness. Therefore, before we go into any field to reap the harvest, it is best if we have the direction from the Lord to enter, or we will definitely suffer. If we have the direction from God to go in, then GO IN boldly. God will give you strength in your weakness. Well, easier said than done. May God help us in every area.

To God be the Glory

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