Monday, June 30, 2008

well, another post...

Well, another day, another post.... To be honest, I didn't really have a very fruitful QT, so didn't know what to write in my blog... My mind seem to be in a mess, if not, in a zone out mode.... geez, don't like it at all... need to evaluate what is causing all these...

Well, today QT is about Abraham sacrificing his son to God and the whole process. Today's QT main focus was on obedience. What type of obedience did Abraham shown?

Immediate Obedience- Immediate obedience is frequently found in Abraham.... When God told Abraham to send Hagar and her son away. He did so immediately. He did the same when God commanded him to sacrifice Issac. He did the preparations and move out immediately on the next day morning. How many times do we dilly-dally when God ask us to do something? For me I frequently struggle to immediately obey... I guess part of it is my struggle to believe that whatever God wants me to do it is for the best.... Need to really improve in this area

Sustained Obedience- Abraham's obedience is one that is sustained. He didn't just do it halfway and then give up... or pause for a while before carrying on... He keeps on doing... Many times, Christians fail to have sustained obedience because their eyes are towards the things that are not of God or are distracted by things that are not of God... This is also something that i have to work on.... frequently get distracted by the things around me

Willing Obedience- Abraham didn't just obey what God told him to do, he do so willingly.... Is it possible that one person do not obey willingly even if he do that thing as to what God tells him? Yes it is very possible... One can do what is told but be grumbling about what he is given to do. He can also be doing what is told to do but then in his heart he is rebelling every part of the way. God is very displease with this kind of obedience because it is no obedience at all... And it is very hypocritical.... It is no different from the Pharisees and God says that if we are to be with Him, we have to be better than the Pharisees... we better take a look to make sure that our obedience is willing and not unwilling....

There are two more points for obedience but these few points are the one that grabbed my attention... really hope that I obey like how Abraham did

To God be the Glory

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

something to think about

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well... dunno what title to put for this

Well, I really don't know what title I should put for this or how I should start writing this post. Oh wells, will try anyhow whack. Well, recently there has been some interesting going on. Well, people say that this is the time where its time to get a relationship or at least start thinking about it. The world will advocate it earlier. Hmm.... k, haha, super messy. Let me organised my thoughts.

K, well, how do I view all this? I agree that I should pray about it. Prayer will never harm it can only help. So therefore it is better to start early (actually its not that early... many people have pray consistently when they are younger. I prayed about it but intermittently). Haha, people have also start to say that should start observing etc. There are also people who say that can consider the church people.

Hmm... what are my thoughts for all this? Should I start observing? err... well, I don't really think I am ready for this. Some people say that if you are not ready can still observe. Well, ya, but I am definitely not going to go on active sonar or whatever. I think I should spend more time learning His Word and growing than use it in this area for now.

Well, as to the fact of considering the church people... hmmm... well, the sisters in church are nice and godly. However, currently like I stated earlier, I am not ready. haha, when the time is right will definitely consider. But just not now.

I feel that before I go into a relationship, I should be able to lead, not just like the way the people of the world lead but rather in a godly way. To do that I must first have a healthy relationship with God and also grow more in Him and also have a close walk with God. Currently I am still growing and still working on my many flaws, therefore I think still not time yet. I don't just have to lead my wife but also my children. If my foundations are not grounded in the Lord, the whole family will be messed up and my children will not grow close to the Lord and my wife will suffer. The whole family will suffer and will be miserable. I don't want that to happen to my wife and children. I will not let my family suffer in this manner.

may post more on this topic next time...
To God be the Glory

What I have learned from QT today

Really learned a lot from today's QT. However, my mind is currently still not very organised so don't really know how to go about blogging it. Today, the main part of the QT that i remembered was about Lot again. Well, why do I seem to focus on Lot? Well, first thing is that the author James Boice focus on him yet again. Secondly is the fact that Lot really portray the typical Christians that we see in our day? Pathetic? Sad? Well, I really don't think I am in any way fit to judge. Why so? When I compared myself between Abraham and Lot (lets imagine there is a scale there. Lot on one side, Abraham is on the other) I think I will probably be somewhere near Lot. That is definitely not good. Oh well, I am trying my best, and with prayer and with support I know I will be more like Abraham. Just a reminder, this doesn't lead to salvation. It is what a saved person is supposed to do. Doing more good doesn't lead to your salvation. Buddhism, Islam etc teaches that way, but Christianity is about faith and trust in God.

So what can be concluded about Lot? Lot made many errors. One of his first error was to move near Sodom. From there, his principles slowly get eroded by the ways of Sodom. It didn't seem much at first. It may not look exactly harmless at first but neither does it look like a bad choice. The first compromise lead to the next and so on (read the posts below to know what he compromised on). Slowly his heart became hard towards sin. He seem determined not to change from his ways. How do we know? He actually pleaded to the angels that he cannot run that far and that he wishes to remain in a place near Sodom. He doesn't wish to run far far away. At first it seem like it is quite reasonable, after all he must be well advanced in years. He may not be eighty and above, but he is definitely not less than forty, unless he left Ur in his youth. Sodom was surrounded by mountains. These are definitely not the heights of Bukit Timah Hill. However, if he had really trust the Lord, then the Lord will have given him power and strength to overcome it. Instead, he was trying to debate with the angels. It was obvious he wasn't really wanting to leave the "world".

Well, what I have learn and reminded from this is that we really have to run from temptations. REALLY RUN FROM IT! If we flirt with temptations (as what I do sometimes. Got to really watch out when this happens), there will be times where we will let the small sins (seemingly harmless ones) in. When these sins become fully grown, it will lead to death. Well, still unconvinced. I am not the one who says this. It is the bible which time and time again reliterate this point. Well, but I think this is one of the things that the typical Christians is facing now. Whether we can overcome it depends on whether we depend on the Lord and whether we decide to hug the world (which will bring you great rewards now, but then if one really gets saved, then I guess it will be by the skin and teeth) or to grab on to God's word and do what He teaches. (May be rewarding now, but then it comes with great suffering. However, there will be great reward in heaven). May the readers of this blog choose the second choice. Easy to say but tough to follow. Well, no one godly men has ever said that the Christian walk will be easy.

In the end, what happened? Lot's daughters commit incest with Lot. They gave birth to Moab and the Ammonites. Well, what actually lead to this? If Lot haven't gone to Sodom, and instead been teaching them godly ways and be a good father, this will not have happened. However, he easily compromised on the principles. Whatever the father does, the children will absorb it like sponge. They may not really have seen the godly side of Lot but rather the world- hugging Lot. The surrounding people are well, you know, pure evil. Therefore they are totally immersed in the world and therefore follow the world. Therefore, Fathers and fathers to be, better be a good example to your children. Mothers are to help too. However I think fathers are to take the leading role and guiding role. Therefore, what you do will really affect your children. If the father is someone who doesn't do a good example e.g. always working and don't spend time with his children, or taking up some vice, just don't expect your children to be better off. If they are it is because of God's grace and mercy. However, whatever happens, you will not really play a part in your children's life, and well, it will obviously be sad.

Well, there are many other things that the author pointed out. All the points are valid and good. However, if I continue posting it may become too long. Therefore, buy James Boice, really good commentator (not making an advertisment for him).

In All, To God be the Glory

Relatively Fruitful day

Today, was really quite a fruitful day... ok, may be i spend a little bit too much time sleeping... sleep till nine then have a afternoon nap from four plus to six... Today met up with wei en to try out the extended prayer with QT. Hahaha, we didn't try the four hours one. Rather we start with two hours. Haha, I guess starting small is good because if we try four hours one immediately then I think will fail. Well, we wanted to go Fullerton because it is quite quiet. However, on the way there, we saw the park that was super quiet and since the weather was nice, we think that it was a appriopriate place to start the prayer and QT. Well, I wasn't sure how to start. Thank God that in the end just start lor... haha... Well, learn alot for QT. Also had a really good time of prayer. Really feel focused after that. I think I really should make this prayer thing and QT thing a everyday habit. Haha, don't know whether I will be able to sustain it when school starts, but I guess if I depend on the Lord and have the right principles and focus should be able to make it. Anyways, two hours is like 1/12 of a day, so actually it isn't much. After that had lunch with wei en before going back to take a nap. After that practised my bass... Yay, learned the third string... Soon can play in worship... And then exercised. Haha, now blogging... Well, guess there are still improvements to how I use my time, but I guess today is better than the past week. Praise the Lord
To God be the Glory

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Argh... my body is breaking down

Man, my body is seriously breaking down... I think i need to have a healthy diet and also enough rest and exercise, or my body is gonna be a broken down machine soon...

Are we grabbing to the world like how Lot grab Sodom?

Today's QT has another big impact on me. It was talking about the angels warning Lot to leave Sodom before its destruction and the incident where the people of Sodom wanted to rape the angels when they were in the city of Sodom.

Lot is a representation of the many Christians that we see today. Yes, no doubt they believe in the Lord (both Lord and the people who is living like Lot). They yearn to follow the Lord, but will not leave the world, or are still embracing the world. They are half-hearted and slothful in their Christian life. Worst still, they may be sliding backwards towards more the more worldly lifestyle than when they first embrace Christianity. Lot did not have direct revelation from God. He probably heard God's promise to Abraham through Abraham himself. He probably was drawn by the grandeur of the promise. While following Abraham, he probably grew materialistically ( the number of flocks that he and Abraham had is so large that the shepherds from the two family started quarrelling over watering holes) and spiritually. How far he has grown spiritually we do not know. However, in the New Testament, Peter said that Lot was righteous and was grieved by the sin of Sodom. This is probably true because at first he was living near Sodom and not Sodom itself. However, he slowly backslided to living in Sodom and even became part of its council. It is directly against Psalms 1. We can see how much he backslided when he willingly gave up his daughters to be raped to protect the guests. Thank God for His mercy that his daughters were not raped.

Lot wished to follow the Lord. He made some effort. However, when given the opportunity, he chose the world instead of continuing his walk with God. Sure, some people might say that he didn't really have the choice right? He had to separate from Abraham. If he choose another land, the godly Abraham has to choose the area around Sodom. However, I think he didn't even bother to think and set his principles before he go and live near Sodom. He just choose it because the land was good. I believe that Lot know that the land of Sodom was wicked. That was why he didn't live in the city in the first place. He probably must have thought to himself that the city is wicked, so he just have to live near it to get the convenience of supplies and things but not be influenced by it. How foolish he is. He was obviously influenced by it. Just see how much he backslided. He even called the Sodomites as his friends. I guess Lot build his wealth, reputation, and everything during his stay in Sodom. We can infer that he is rather successful (worldly) to the point that although he is not a citizen of Sodom, he is one of their leaders. However, all these things come to naught. Everything was destroyed. Nothing of Lots possessions was left. Not his wealth, nor his sons-in-law, nor his wife, nor is reputation. NOTHING AT ALL. He was like somebody who knows to keep treasures in Heaven but failed to do so and instead build treasures on earth. In the end, he is like those who are just going to barely escape the fires of hell. Nothing that he build will stand. Only himself.

I am thinking, are we like him? Do we hold on to the treasures of earth when God promise more? Are we just building treasures on earth and not store treasures in Heaven? When the fire of judgement comes, will our works be like gold or silver? Or will it burn to bits? God have mercy on us, on this generation and on the generations to come. We are usually too engrossed with the things around us. Too caught up with the world. Having all the wrong kind of fun. Partying away (for some). Wasting our time away.

This world has become more and more like Sodom. People are trying to justify that gayism is created by God and should be celebrated. People tries to justify gayism and even encourage it. One day, the general population will accept it. Lying, Slandering, getting rich at the expense of the poor and neglecting of the poor, adultery etc will happen more and more. There will probably still have faithful ones who still be the light and salt of the world, but they will be ridiculed. And God will still show mercy to the world because of the faithful ones before the day of judgement. But God's wrath is burning. It is getting hotter. Therefore, anyone who reads this blog and who is not a Christian, please repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your saviour. For the Christians, we have much to do. Sure, salvation is by faith and not through works. However, one way to know whether we are really Christians is whether our lives have changed, whether we are doing good. The day will come where we will not have the chance to do good anymore. So grab the opportunity while we still can. Or we can always be like Lot and be saved but then we will barely make it.

Does this mean that Christians cannot go into Sodom? No, they can. However, when they go in, they go in as missionaries. Their job is to witness to the people and not getting influenced by them and end up embracing their wickedness. If we want to witness to the gamblers, we can live with them and talk with them, but not gamble with them. If we are tempted to sin with them, then it is better for the person to run away and not even try to stay with them. Somebody else more suitable should take the job. And there will be people suitable. It is better to run away from temptations than to sin with the sinners, if not your testimony is ruined. May God help us in our weakness. Therefore, before we go into any field to reap the harvest, it is best if we have the direction from the Lord to enter, or we will definitely suffer. If we have the direction from God to go in, then GO IN boldly. God will give you strength in your weakness. Well, easier said than done. May God help us in every area.

To God be the Glory

Baggage probably floating somewhere out there

Received telephone calls everyday from Jetstar... " Your baggage has still not been found.... blah blah blah..." oh wells.... Felt sad not because I lost my new billabong slippers nor the chargers etc, but rather because the presents that my sis and Ailing bought for me are lost before I even received them.... :(

Sigh... Oh wells, I believed everything is in the Lord hands. Haha, this is the first time and I don't think this will be the last time that my baggage will be lost. Since God allows it, I guess I have to accept it.... Maybe it is somewhere in Europe, Africa, Asia, or America... If so I guess the baggage will have a better life than me. Maybe it dropped out of the plane during turbulence (super unlikely) and is floating in the South China Sea and picked up by fisherman. Or it might be floating all the way to Singapore... Though that will probably take years... Haha, maybe I should stake out in East Coast or something for the next three years to wait for my bag to float by... Haha, help me look out for this SA travel bag that is blue in colour next time you are in East Coast k? You never know, may be it is really mine... hahaha

Oh wells, all Glory goes to God...
To God be the Glory

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

oops, i did it again... sigh

Man, it is really so hard to be careful. Didn't know it can have such a big repercussion for so small an action. However, when my sister points it out, I had to agree that it will definitely send the wrong signals to other people. Sigh, why am I so careless and never thought it out carefully?

Wait, before anyone gets any wrong idea, I guess I better clarify it so that people know what I am talking about. Well, what am I talking about then? Ok, let me tell you a story. There is this guy who just bought a nice necklace in Taiwan. He had difficulty putting the necklace on because the hook is just so small and hard to open. Hence, the seeker decided to help him put it on. Well, the guy just accepted it because it just somebody helping out right? Nothing wrong with that right? So he just said ok. Well, back in Singapore, a few days latter, he found out that actually that that was not so ok after all. Why? That is because there was someone who reported to the sister what happened and so the sister went back home and decided to have a talk with her little brother.
This is what she said:" Did you ask so and so to help you put on the necklace?"
Little Brother: "Ya, why?"
Sister:" Why did you asked the seeker to put on the necklace for you?"
Little Brother:"Cos, like its a bit difficult to put on you know."
Sister: "You know you can send the wrong message to the person and the other sisters-in-Christ?"
Little Brother: "Huh? Really? But it just putting on the necklace you know."
Sister: " If it was your girlfriend or your wife putting it on for the other guy how will you feel?"
Little Brother: "errr...... hmmm....."

Oops, I did it again. I failed to be sensitive to this kind of situation. I really didn't know that it will lead to that. At that time my thoughts was like "Argh, so difficult to wear. OOHHH, someone is willing to help. Sure, I don't mind the help." Oh wells, on second thoughts it really can result in a lot of things. Man, really have to be extra careful on this kind of things. If not people will get the wrong ideas and also cause others to stumble. If any readers or anyone who know about it can resulted in them getting stumbled or having confusion, I am sorry. Please do not follow my example. Sigh, I have to remind myself that I am living in a more conservative society. However, there is nothing wrong with this conservative society. At least it means that people are careful with what they do to ensure that what they do doesn't cause other to stumble. I guess I got more to learn. Need to learn to be more sensitive.... Sigh.... terrible mistake.... Guess the insensitivity is partially due to where I was brought up in where it was less conservative? Whatever it is, it is wrong to cause others to stumble or to have the wrong idea. I guess caution will be good....

I don't really know how this post will bring glory to God, but the All Glory goes to the Lord
To God Be the Glory

What I have been reminded during QT

For today's QT, I have been reminded of Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah in his talk to God. He pleaded with God not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if there are a certain amount of righteous people in it (starting from 50 then drop all the way to 10). When he pleaded with God, he started small, and then slowly embolden to 10. In the end God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because none was found righteous except for Lot and their family. Even his sons-in-law did not escape the destruction.

The focus was not on the destruction but rather the intercession that Abraham did. In this end times and in a wicked world, how long have we been interceding for people around us? Interceding for the country? Interceding for those countries that the gospel have not really penetrated in? Or are we still too busy to pray for them?

I believed that God reminded me of the verse in Mark 14:32-42. It talks about Jesus and the disciples in Gethsemane. During this period, Jesus was going to be captured and be crucified. Judah was already on his way to betray the Lord. The rest was following Jesus into Gethsemane. Jesus was praying earnestly to God for many things. During this period, Jesus commanded the disciples to pray and keep watch. When Jesus returned, he found them sleeping. This happened three times.

I was reminded that I was like the disciples who kept on sleeping when Jesus said to pray and keep watch. Well, we may not be in physical slumber, but rather spiritual slumber or sloppiness. We may be giving excuses that we are too busy because of this and that and have no time for prayer. Are we really that busy for God? Is not God the provider of this life and of the eternal? Who is our master? The World or God? Many times we may be conscious or unconsciously be confused about who is really our master. May God have mercy on us for sleeping may be more than three times. Sure, people may say that if the disciples have seen the risen Lord they will not have slept. Its true that after that they have not been slothful. However, before that they have seen Jesus in the Transfiguration. They have seen the Lord in His splendour. If the disciples who have seen God in His Glory and still slumber, how much more that we have to ask God to guard us from such slumber.

V.v37 " Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Simon," he said to Peter, "are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? v.v38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.""

How much time do we spend for prayer? 10 mins? 20 mins? In the Lord's time, He usually redraw from the crowd to pray. I don't think he prayed for 10 to 20 mins. I believed that he spend much more time than that. If our Lord our God spent so much time to pray. How much more time we must spend on prayer! We who are fallen and sinful in nature are to pray continuously so that we are not lead into temptation and also to continue to draw on God's strength. God help me for I am weak.

We are closer to the end times than our ancestors. If one doesn't believe, just look at all the end time prophecies that the bible made and what is happening now. We still have wars between nations and between brothers. There seem to be more natural disasters. We can still continue to slumber, but then when God judge, how are we going account to Him? God already said that we will know not of the time when he is going to return. Only God the Father does. We can be like the five virgins who are prepared or the five who are not. I rather become the one that is prepared. I encourage my readers to keep watch and keep praying, not just for ourselves, but also for our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, those people around us, those persecuted, those who are lost, those who are hardened, those who are weak, those who are strong, those who are our leaders, those who are not our leaders, those from our church, those from other churches... You get my point.... May God have mercy and help us in our weakness. Lets not be a lukewarm Christian or a Christian that has lost his fire. Lets be reignited by the one who is the source of everything that is good and righteous, the Alpha and the Omega, The one who was and is and is to come.

To God be The Glory

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Taiwan trip

Haha, most of you will probably heard many praises and comments from people who has been to Taiwan, like, how good is the trip, the fellowship, the hostel etc... so i will probably just touch on them but not gonna go in depth...

Taiwan is a land of natural beauty... Just look at the Toroko gorge and the pebble beaches and you will get the idea... It is also has one of the world tallest buildings. The food is nice and cheap, the clothes are also cheap and nice.... The people are usually nice except the bus uncles (at least most of those that we met)... The bus uncles are somehow unusually grouchy... May be it is because their job is too mundane that they just want to let off some steam. The tour coach uncle however, is very nice to us and also bring us to many places....

Really loved the hostel and the madam who runs the place... Haha, the room reminds me of a army bunk... except that this is fully air conditioned and much cleaner. Well, nice rooms and nice environment doesn't make the place nice though it does help somewhat... You can be in some wonderful place but still feel lonely... The companionship of your friends, esp bro-and sis-in-Christ can make a nice place a hundred times nicer....

Well, if one wishes to know how nice taiwan is, then i think it is better to talk to those people who went there. I don't think a blog post will do justice to the beauty of this trip.... I would rather share what I have learned from the Taiwan trip

I was reminded of my insensitivity to people's needs. There were many times when the girls needed help on the trail or carrying of bags etc. There are times when i failed to notice the needs esp when I am not conscious of it. It took me so long to improve in this area, and yet there are still so many times that i failed in what seems to be a minor thing to some but an important thing that I have to learn to be more Christ-like. Thanks for the brothers' prompting when I failed to notice these areas, they have been a great help and reminder. That is what a fellowship is for, and I thank God for it although there were times where it seems tempting to switch church just because there are cultural difference (somewhat) between the main bulk of the church people and me. Well, I believe that Satan or my sinful self wants me to believe that I am unable to fit in and wants me to go another church. However, thank God when I talk with Ming Yang and also other brothers that I come to a conclusion that there is not where God wants me to go. God also given me the strength to overcome such thoughts and also the strength to move forward although I must say that there were times whether it feel just so tempting to just give up instead of moving forward because it can be quite tiring. However, when did God ever say that running the race is suppose to be a walk in a park? It was not, is not, and will not be a walk in a park. So may God have mercy on us to have the strength to finish the race He had set for us to run.

Although was quite sick through the whole trip, but God brought me through it. Wasn't really enjoying the first few days because was having such a headache and sore throat, but the concern from the brothers and sisters and also God's providence, managed to go through the whole thing and even manage to enjoy myself.

Another thing that i learned from the trip is that when I serve I really need to have the right motive and mindset. Actually there were times when I dread leading the songs because I wasn't used to it and also feel that like that I cannot enjoy myself thoroughly. There was a fierce internal struggle within me because part of me want to grab every opportunity to serve and part of me wants to drop it because it seems the easier way. Thank God that i put everything to the Lord's hand. Prepared for it during the flight there and leave it to God. Thank God I didn't feel much pressure from it. However, the internal struggle was still there.... sometimes it seem to be winning and sometimes it seems to be overcomed. In the end my turn came. Well, I didn't expect it to rain so heavily and everything had to be cancelled. Well, really thanks for the support that the people gave afterwards. Was I really disappointed? Yes and no. Yes, because I already prepared for it. No because I believed that it is part of God's plan. haha, anyway, if God really want me to serve in that area, I believe He will not let me off.

Well, another thing that I have been reminded of is that God will intervene in the plans that we have made. Well, the plan was to sing in the fisherman's wharf and then Uncle James will share. God intervene by making it rain heavily and also gave Uncle James a migraine. I was like oh no.... However, I was somehow assured that the plans that we had was not the best (may be for the seekers-it seems so, or in other areas). I was reminded that when we come to the end of our plans or when it is ruined, there is a big possibility that God will be in it to move us in a different direction ( ren2 de4 jing4 tou2 jiu4 shi4 shen2 de4 kai1 tou2). I shared that with the brothers around me. Well, heard that the two groups esp winnie's group had a great sharing in the restaurant. Well, if we have stayed on in fisherman's wharf, the effects may not be as good and the sharing at the restaurant may not be as long and as fruitful. What we have planned may seem to be the best but God knows better. Haha, by the way for everyone's info on why I think the whole thing is like God special guidance? The rain become smaller and eventually stop once we board the ship... (it stop after we reached the other bank) and Uncle James migraine become stabilized soon after and got better soon after...

Again all I can say is To God be the Glory

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sarai's unbelief, God's patience

QT for today has been interesting. Was reading on Genesis and today the QT was talking about Sarai's response to the Three strangers' promise and her unbelief of the promise. Essentially, the Three strangers ( supernatural beings... hinted to be the pre-incarnated Jesus) told Abraham that he will have a child next year. Sarai, being a woman of the Orientals could only listen to the conversation in the tent. When she heard of the promise, she laughed. She laughed not because she was happy but rather it was because of her unbelief. She did not believe that it will come true because her husband was old and she was past the age of child-bearing. The three strangers then asked her why she is laughing. Her reply was that she did not laugh. The strangers then pointed out that she did.

There are a few lessons that I have learned from this QT passage. The first being the fact that I was similar to Sarai when it comes to unbelief. In fact I think she is better in this area than I am. Sarai have many good reasons for her unbelief. She was old and barren (90 plus, impossible to bear any child). Her husband was old (at least ard a 100). God has promised Abraham many times before but up till now have not fulfill it etc. It was rather logical for her to lose faith and laugh at what the strangers said. The strangers gave her the chance to change her unbelieving heart. She used her opportunity instead to lie. God being a righteous God and a patient one, pointed out her sin. However, even though she sinned, God still fulfill the promise of child bearing.

Many times throughout my Christian walk, I have been filled with unbelief. Unbelief whether I could fit into CYYAM, unbelief about whether God is really guiding me through army and my study life etc. Really thank God that He has been patient with me and guiding me throughout my journey of life even when i was filled with unbelief. He also showed me time and time again that He indeed been guiding me through my life. There are really quite a number of things that He has shown me that He has been guiding my life that it is really hard to list it down here one by one. Well, through all the experience, I have been growing closer to the Lord. However, does that me that I will not be faced with unbelief? I think not. There are still small things that I know that if I give up, and filled it with stuff like prayer and reading more of His word, I will gain much more than what I have been doing now. Well, those little stuff are like (reading too many mangas, playing too much comp, wasting my time away by staring at the comp screen etc.) Been trying to improve on it. I guess there is still much improvement. Why? That is because I it is so entrenched in my lifestyle that though I know that it is better for me to give up I have difficulty really doing so. Having the knowledge that it is better doesn't mean that you will follow up by really giving up. I think this is due to my unbelief of the promise of God that He will give me better stuff if I give it up to spend more time with Him. Guess I have much to work on. Really thank God that he reveal to me time and time again about my mistakes.

The second thing that I am reminded of from this QT is that God will point out the mistakes whenever you make it. It may be through the people around you esp when you are hardened in sin that you cannot heard the Holy Spirit's prompting or through the Holy Spirit's guidance. One can continue to sin after that or repent and turn towards God. In Sarai's case, she sinned further after God asked her. Many times we are just like her. God prompt us because He loved us. However, due to our unfaithfulness, we still continue to sin in that area or sin in other areas to cover up. David sinned against God in terms of adultery. Instead of repenting, he hardened his heart and murdered the husband through the means of the enemy's sword. If our spiritual seniors are prone to such errors, then it is very likely that we will also commit such errors. Have I made such errors? Definitely. However, praise be to God. He shown me where I was wrong and help me through such errors. Well, one thing that we can be sure of if God help us through such things is that God is with us and is helping us, and that we are also responding to Him. If we do not respond to Him, we will slowly fall away. Therefore, if people point out our mistakes or God use the Holy Spirit to prompt us, do not delay in responding to Him. It is God great mercy that He is faithful in our unfaithfulness. We can continue in such unfaithfulness or we can turn around and let God and God's people to help us through our difficulties. I can only say Praise God for His unending mercies and His faithfulness. Many times I have stumbled, but God has pulled me back from the pits of sin. May God continue to help us

We can continue to laugh at God in our unbelief of His promises, whether big or small or we can be like Abraham, though he failed time and time again in his unbelief (like having a child with Hagar), he grew up being closer to God and believe in the promises through his actions (like waiting for God to go through his sacrifice and also preparing to sacrifice Issac even though Issac is the son of promise, just because Abraham believe that God will provide). I am working towards giving up the stuff mentioned above because I believe that giving up such stuff is not actually giving up anything for God will bless us with more. I do still have my unbelief, so God please help me.

In all I can only say, To God be the Glory

Monday, June 9, 2008

Simple Struggles, great Joy

Today, i faced a very simple struggle that I guess most people will easily overcome.... I was angry with myself that I actually have to struggle with small struggles when it should be easy to overcome. However, I really thank God that I overcame it....

K, many people will wonder what this simple struggle is.... Actually I think it is so simple that it is actually quite laughable..... Today, I received Yanheng sms asking the brothers to join him to buy gospel tracts for the Taiwan trip.... Really nice of him to initiate this... He sms me at about 8 while I received it at 11 (after waking up... super late right?)... This is when I started struggling.... Should I go or should I not.... Some people might ask, why should I struggle over such stuff? (Some may feel that this is nothing to do with Christian life... it is just going out with friends) Those high I and high S will immediately say yes... (they are very friends-oriented)....

Well, I am a DC.... so I am very very task oriented.... One of my first few thoughts was "Do they need me there?" (Weird qn but that was what I thought). Cos if you think about it, you only need one or at most two people to go and buy the gospel tracts and then those one or two will just split the tracts with the rest at the airport or at Taiwan. Well, I sms Yanheng when and where they will meet to buy the tracts.... After sending the sms, I was actually wishing that he said that they had already met up or it is too late to meet up.... Part of me was wishing that I do not need to go... The other part of me was reminding me that I will be giving up yet another opportunity to serve if I do not go ( some will wonder whether this is actually serving... to me it is... it is to take ownership of the Taiwan trip... to fulfill the third point of sharing the gospel to the locals)... Excuses of all sorts start popping into my head e.g. I haven't pack up for the Taiwan trip. If I go, I will probably argue with my mom again. blah blah blah... Then the thought that I am giving up another opportunity to serve keep surfacing in my mind... Thank God for that... really.... I know that by myself I will probably choose the option to slack... One thing that remind me not to give up the opportunity was the QT that I did this morning... The gist of it is simply, look, just look at the God who save us.... there is really nothing really complicated with the looking.... the challenge is whether we can constant look at God and give up the things that are distracting us.... Well, in this case the distraction was the packing (which can be done relatively fast), the "free" time can be used to slack and use computer or watch TV etc... So went there.... was late, but then the whole fellowship time, buying of tracts and tissue packs (apparently there are tissue packs with gospel, very innovative and good method of sharing gospel) and books....

All I can say is that when you give up something for God, God will not ill treat you.... In fact He will bless you in all sorts of way... may not be in the material sense, but can be in another areas like joy, understanding of friends etc.... way better than what you give up....Need to finish my packing or I will be unable to sleep... hahahaha
To God Be the Glory

Start of a new blog

I have decided to start a blog again after much pondering and thinking... To say the truth, i am really lazy when it comes to maintaining a blog because i felt that it is really a waste of time if i go about describing what i did today blah blah blah.... However, after talking to wei en, I have decided to start a blog... He feel that I should share what i have learned from my Quiet Time so that I can share it with my brother and sister-in-Christ and also help encourage them. Well, I thought of other reasons why I should start a blog. One good reason is that people will get to understand me better when they read my blog. I can express myself much better through writing. Another good reason is to account for all my actions or what I plan to do. Well, it means that I am putting myself on the shooting range and prepare to get shot. Sounds dumb and crazy to some.... hahaha.... I guess it is one of the best way for people to remind me, help me evaluate, break me down and encourage me so that I can become more like Christ.... It also means that I will get hurt sometimes.... But I guess this kind of hurt is better than to pretend that nothing is happening at all and continue to do things which may not be biblical and things which may hurt other people, be it consciously or unwittingly... I really hope that through all the interaction, scolding, reminders etc, i will be more Christ-like.... haha, Christian life is really difficult.... But, when in the bible did God ever say that being a Christian will be easy? It will never be easy, but if we depend on God, we will have the strength to overcome every possible obstacle.... He will give us the endurance to run the race.... A race that is longer than any marathon imaginable.....
To God be The Glory