Saturday, July 19, 2008


Well, today meet with my friends today cos of Karno's farewell dinner..... Well, a friend of mine who haven't see me for some time commented that I looked and feel different..... like I am a broken man or something.... Oh wells, yeah, I had been broken really bad in army and JC... Well, when I heard this, I had many feelings flowing through.... If the brokeness comes from God then I really thank Him, cos it means that He cares and He broke me down so that I will build my foundations on Him.... I believed that is what actually happens.... It is definitely better than any other options.... To be broken down by Him means that He wants me to learn certain lessons and God who is a Loving God will discipline those who He loves.... All in all I really thank God... Don't know how the new "building" is gonna look like.... but I believe it will be one of a insane beautiful "building" with a very strong foundation.... May this really be the case.... This is my hope and my wish.....

Thank God and TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!

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