Monday, December 28, 2009

Me talking to my soul 1

Why go for the peanuts when u can have the gold?

Christian life will give you more thrill and excitement and exhalirating experience than bungee jumping, skydiving, roller coaster rides, motorcycling etc....

Look at the promises given by the bible
Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword—we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered (Romans 8:35–36)

Definitely more wonderful right? Putting your life on the line for an eternal purpose instead of something temporary and most of the time doesn't put your life on the line...Definitely way more interesting,exciting and something worth experiencing....

But remember, not to be seeking the rush of adrenaline or be thrill-seeking by itself, or you will be putting it as god..... God created and build you to enjoy the rush of adrenaline and enjoy the thrills that others may do all things to avoid so that you will fulfill His purpose, whatever it might be...
Jia you in following God

To God be the Glory

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