Monday, February 23, 2009

Thinking of how to squeeze out more time when i don't have enough time to work with

I believe everyone always have the thought that we just don't have enough time.... Well, I find that I AM SERIOUSLY SHORT OF TIME... so i have thought of how to be more time efficient. Lets see my current time table

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: 1.5hrs
Work, QT,travel and prayer (Work take overwhelming time though): 14.5hrs to 15.5 hrs
Break: 2hrs

hence, only way to squeeze out time conventionally is cut away the breaks and increase the work hours. hence 16.5hrs to 17.5hrs.

Another way... new sleeping method that i have learned on the internet.... work 2hrs and sleep 20 mins after that. So.... i will be sleeping only 2hrs and have supposely the same efficiency and 8hrs of sleep.... thinking of trying that......

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tired out

I am seriously totalled.... sleep debts start playing catch-up, insane amount of work, projects and mid-terms.... totally tired out.... still have 7 weeks more of craziness.... Oh well, i guess i have to keep pushing forward.... He will provide in my weaknesses and my tiredness...
To God Be the Glory

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One of my fav contempory band

Love this band...:D

One of my fav Christian metal band

This is one of my fav Christian metal band latest album :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another thought

Matthew 10:28, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” In other words, Don’t fear man, fear God. Tremble at the prospect of distrusting God, not displeasing man. 
Taken from John Piper sermon

one of the many thoughts of the day

Been thinking about this when i was chatting to Pei En on unrelated stuff.... The thought just pop in my head because of readings of articles somewhere I guess.... (oh ya, desiringgod) where we the gospel is to be shared not just to the unbelievers but also to a believer.... yeah, thats right.... believers.... for encouragement etc.... 

My point today isn't about why should the gospel be preached to a believer.... you can read it from desiringgod where they would likely to be a much better explanation than me. My focus today is more about challenging ourselves (Christians) to see whether we have strayed off course.... 

Do you feel bored when you listen to the gospel? with reasons like, I listen to it so many times. I had already memorized it to heart. Its for the non-Christian and hence is of little relations to me ( yes, there are such thoughts.... I used to have that thinking.... Lord have mercy on me) etc etc.... 

So whats my point? My point is.... We can watch and listen to so many reruns of television, songs, movies, books, magazines, games etc etc and not get bored. However, we get switch off easily by the gospel. Well, we don't get bored with the reruns because either it is exciting (action), emotional, and sounds and looks wonderful. THEN, lets ponder a bit...... ISN'T THE GOSPEL MORE EXCITING, EMOTIONAL,ENGAGING AND SOUNDS AND LOOK MORE WONDERFUL? And here we are, switching off to the gospel and get attracted to the reruns....  

We tend to say to people " oh come on, get a life." Well, I am going to say to my readers here and now.... Go get a life.... the GOSPEL IS INFINITELY BETTER THAN THE RERUNS OR EVEN THE PREMIERE OF SHOWS BLAH BLAH BLAH..... Savour the gospel over and over again.... Fall in Love with God again and again.... Praise Him every min of the day..... Enjoy the most exciting and wonderful event in human history..... This is LIFE.... nothing else is.... 
so GO GET A LIFE!!!!

God have mercy in our weaknesses

Monday, February 2, 2009

Genesis 3: The Fall

Before I go into my thinking proper, just want to ask my readers some questions. Its of no consequence to theology i think but i find it rather interesting. How come Eve ate the fruit of good and evil first, and Adam second, and both had their eyes open at the same time? Is it because they are one?

Well, today was reading on Genesis three on the bus. Had been thinking about the whole significance of the whole event. We can suppose that this event take place some time after the day of human creation. Well, why is this important? The time spent with the Lord is an important point for latter. We can see that when the Serpent tempted the woman whether they can eat the fruit of good and evil. The woman said that they cannot eat it or touch it. If we look at Genesis chapter 2:17, we can see that it only mentioned eating it. Therefore, this leave us with two possibility of what happened. When God gave that order, it was only to Adam, because only Adam was in existent. Therefore, one reason is that Adam, as the head of the household, did not teach Eve the proper things that God has commanded him and therefore failed as the head of the household. The second possible reason is that Adam thought her the correct thing, but when she was challenged by Satan, she failed to recall the correct thing. 

If the first one is true, then the time spent with the Lord is very important factor. They have a walk with God that we will not understand until we return to heaven. They, at that point was holy because they were sinless. They get to meet God face to face. Talk with Him etc. After the fall, Man couldn't face Him, much less talk to God in a way possible except Adam, Eve and Jesus.
If Adam did indeed told Eve the wrong thing. The conversation with God will probably corrected that. I am not sure. Because I am not there, and the bible didn't state the reason. However, I am quite sure that from the conversation and from the walk with God, Adam and Eve will have known God's character (e.g. whatever He say is right etc). They then shouldn't have toyed with the idea of eating the fruit, which obviously they did.

Well, then this will lead to another question. Did Eve sin when she started having thoughts to eat it or the action of eating it? If we go by the NT definition, then the thoughts of eating it is sin, not the action. The woman was deceived, man wasn't. So man was in direct rebellion to God's sovereignity. The Man's thoughts wasn't shown in the bible, but I think you can kind of guess it. If he didn't have thoughts about eating it, he would have stopped her from thinking must less eating it.

Well, does the thinking that touching the fruit will cause death affect how the things turn out? Yes. When she touch the fruit, she didn't die. Which leads to eating of it. Well, then, there will be argument that she have sinned by thinking of eating it. However, lets not go into that argument first for that is not the main point. The point that i want to bring across is this: If Adam and Eve have been with the Lord for some time and know His character more intimately than us and still can fail to know the right order of things, how much more then must we read, understand, pray for the correct heart, and carry out the Word to avoid and flee from temptation. Psalm 1:2 stated that a righteous man will meditate on His law day and night. It is not a condition that we can either take it or leave it, but rather it is a prerequiste of all Christian. We are considered righteous because of Jesus blood, so we should live a life befitting a righteous man and like a citizen of Heaven. 

We may not have know God in a level that Adam and Eve have, but then through Jesus Christ and His blood, we have known God in another level. We cannot prevent Satan from attacking us, therefore we can only sharpen the sword (His Word), prayer, more prayer and follow His commandments. Remember, we are as prone to pride as Adam and Eve (actually Adam). Therefore we have to be humble, and the only way to that is believe in Jesus Christ that they have saved you. Ask for forgiveness, read, understand and live out His commandments and PRAY PRAY PRAY.

Will be talking about sin avoidance vs cardinal desires and more abt Genesis 3 next time.
To God Be The Glory, Our Cornerstone and Our Saviour